Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Shay Bredimus

Shay Bredimus is easily one if the most promising young artists of today. At the age of ten years old, Shay was walking his bike across a school crosswalk when a car collided with him. The handle bar of his bike punctured his skull and severely damaged his right frontal lobe. Now Shay finds drawing to be a perfect way to communicate his emotions.
Shay works on large Duralar drafting film with black tattoo ink as his medium. His drawings are free flowing yet full of emotional intensity. The drafting film allows multiple layers of ink to be applied and also allows Shay to utilize both sides of the film to help create depth. His portraits are all close to life size and beautifully executed.
We were lucky to host Shay's first solo show at the gallery of which I work, the San Luis Obispo Art Center. At the show's opening, Shay treated us to an artist's talk and Q&A. For possessing so much talent, Shay is refreshingly humble and kind. He is someone worth watching.

Birth of Phoenix, 2009, 62"x40"

Float, 2007, 40"x87"

East of Eden, 2008, 84"x40"

Winter in America, 2007, 18"x24"

Shay Bredimus is represented by the Koplin Del Rio Gallery in Culver City, CA.